- 1Select a SeasonNorth West Football League of Tasmania, 2023
North West Football League of Tasmania (NWFL) - 2Select a Team

North West Football League of Tasmania (NWFL)
North West Football League of Tasmania
- TeamGradeGenderAge Group
- Latrobe U12NWFL Under 12 2023BoysU12
- Latrobe U14 BoysNWFL Under 14 Boys 2023BoysU14
- Latrobe U14 GirlsNWFL Under 14 Girls 2023GirlsU14
- Latrobe U16NWFL Under 16 Boys 2023BoysU16
- Latrobe U17 GirlsNWFL Under 17 Girls 2023GirlsU17
- Latrobe Colts"Real Mates" RSAC NWFL Colts 2023BoysU18
- LatrobeJMC NWFL Seniors 2023MenSenior
- Latrobe Reserves7AD 7BU NWFL Reserves 2023MenSenior
- Latrobe Senior WomenNWFL Women 2023WomenSenior

Latrobe Football Club (NWFL)
Rod WalkerVice President
Jason WatlingFootball Director
Jason WatlingRegistrar