Welcome back to Domestic Basketball!
A couple of friendly reminders:
Please don't bring basketballs to domestic
$2.00 entry into Stadium
KBA provides all players with team singlets, to be returned at the conclusion of the
last game of each season. Failure to do so will result in payment of a new singlet.
Singlets treated with misuse will also result in the payment of a new singlet.
Black basketball shorts are to be worn. Football shorts, board shorts, bike shorts,
knicks or shorts with pockets or logos are not permitted to be worn. Black basketball
shorts are encouraged. Players who are not clothed in the correct uniform singlet
and shorts will not be permitted to take the court.
Fixture: https://www.playhq.com/basketball-victoria/org/korumburra-basketball-association/3cb91556
We strongly suggest to download the MyHoops app. It is a free iOS and android app and designed for Community basketball players, family and fans featuring;
Live scores
Ladders and
Have fun and enjoy basketball!