TossAC U10 Grey Hawks won the toss and elected to bowl
Rotate for full scorecard
TLKCC U10 - Red Batting
Amanpreet Singh Sandhu retired not out
130000Arya Krishna retired not out
80100Calen Archibald retired not out
110200Aryavardhan Terli retired not out
70000Dharmick Chavan retired not out
130200Sumer Singh retired not out
100000Agam Manais retired not out
90100Benjamin Van Reemst (c)retired not out
Total7 / 153(20 Overs)
AC U10 Grey Hawks Bowling
Fletcher Chandler 3-1304.33--
Harry De Angelis 3-1605.33--
Hugo Ferguson 3-822.66--
Royce Stitt 3-2408.00--
Advit Gogia 2-1316.50--
Arjan Kang 3-1916.33--
Jai Makkar 1-707.00--
Kash Makkar 2-934.50--
Fletcher Chandler 1010000

Brisbane North Junior Cricket Association
John PowellPresident
Leon MaraisTreasurer
Max ParsonsSecretary