Ballarat Cricket Association
1. BCA Seniors
Summer 2023/24Completed
- TeamGradeGenderAge Group
- Golden Point T2009.Jellis Craig T20 CupMenSenior
- Golden Point 1st XI01.Alfredton Dental 1st XIMixedSenior
- Golden Point 2nd XI02.4CYTE 2nd XI Div 1MixedSenior
- Golden Point 3rd XI04.4CYTE 3rd XI Div 1MixedSenior
- Golden Point 4th XI07.City of Ballarat 4th XI Div 2MixedSenior
- Golden Point 5th XI08.City of Ballarat 5th XIMixedSenior
- Golden Point Blue10.Sebastopol Dental Senior WomenWomenSenior
- Golden Point White10.Sebastopol Dental Senior WomenWomenSenior

Golden Point Cricket Club
Andrew FalknerPresident
James LewisVice President
Julian Di StefanoSecretary