Ferntree Gully & District Association
Summer 2023/24Completed
- TeamGradeGenderAge Group
- The Basin Super 7's BearsSuper 7s Flats GreenMixedU10
- The Basin Super 7's CubsSuper 7s Flats GoldMixedU10
- The Basin Super 7's GreenSuper 7s Flats GoldMixedU10
- The Basin Super 7's PolarsSuper 7s Flats GreenMixedU10
- The Basin Super 7s RedSuper 7s Flats GreenMixedU10
- The Basin Fast 9's GreenFast 9s FlatsMixedU11
- The Basin Fast 9's GrizzliesFast 9s FlatsMixedU11
- The Basin Fast 9's RedFast 9s FlatsMixedU11
- The Basin U12 Div 1U12 Mixed 1MixedU12
- The Basin U12 Div 3U12 Mixed 3MixedU12
- The Basin U14 Div 2U14 Mixed 1MixedU14
- The Basin/Rowville U14 Div 3U14 Mixed 3MixedU14

The Basin Cricket Club
Rick TurcinovicPresident
Aaron WalterSenior Coach
Len SimpsonSecretary