- 1Select a SeasonCJCA Junior Cricket, Summer 2024/25
Christchurch Metro Cricket Association/CJCA - 2Select a Team

Christchurch Metro Cricket Association/CJCA
CJCA Junior Cricket
Summer 2024/25Active
- TeamGradeGenderAge Group
- Smash Play-MixedU8
- Sydenham Junior McGowans LegendsYear 3 South - Fab 4MixedU8
- Sydenham Junior Jacobs Legends-MixedU13
- Syd Germon VikingsYear 5 Hardball Section 3BoysY4
- Syd Butterfield SabresYear 5 Hardball Section 2MixedY4
- Syd Martin ScorchersYear 5 Hardball Section 1MixedY4
- Syd Moore SunrisersYear 5 Hardball Section 1MixedY4
- Sydenham Junior Walker EaglesYear 4 SouthMixedY4
- Syd Gallop DaredevilsYear 6 Section 3 (Morning)BoysY5
- Sydenham Junior Maria's StarsIntermediate Girls Hardball Division 3 - Section 2MixedY5
- Sydenham Junior Nicol NationalsYear 7 Premier (Afternoon)MixedY5
- Sydenham Junior Robson W RenegadesYear 7 Section 2 (Morning)MixedY5
- Syd Bowes TridentsYear 7 Section 2 (Morning)BoysY6
- Syd Rae WarriorsYear 7 Premier (Afternoon)BoysY6
- Sydenham Junior Turner StarsIntermediate Girls Hardball Division 3 - FAB 4GirlsY6
- Syd Hopper HurricanesYear 8 Section 2 (Morning) Term 4 2024BoysY7
- Syd Murray SharksYear 8 Premier (Afternoon)BoysY7
- Syd Beth's StarsMini Mags Girls Year 4 and underGirlsMixed Age Group
- Syd Hickford's StarsKiwi South - Section 2MixedMixed Age Group
- Syd Thomson's StarsKiwi SouthMixedMixed Age Group
- Sydenham Constable LegendsYear 4 South - Fab 4MixedMixed Age Group

Sydenham Junior CC
Libby HickfordJunior Cricket Coordinator
Maria LankeshwarDirector of Coaching
Allan HickfordTreasurer