
Quarter 4, 2023

We are excited to announce our quarter four (Q4) roadmap for 2023.

Full List


Multiple Bank Accounts
Clubs will be able to link multiple bank accounts to their payment gateway on This feature enables clubs to designate specific bank accounts for receiving payments from different competitions, for example juniors into one account, seniors into another.
Applicable to: Club Admins
Application: Admin Portal
Clash Management Enhancements
Provide administrators with an in platform view of all games taking place across all venues involving their association. By having a centralised calendar, administrators can easily identify any potential clashes across competitions and associations. This functionality will help streamline scheduling and coordination, minimising conflicts within and across associations.
Applicable to: Association Admins
Application: Admin Portal
Download Invoice
Administrators will have the ability to download a participants invoice from the Admin Portal.
Applicable to: Association and Club Admins, Participants
Application: Admin Portal
Medical Officer Role
A new Medical Officer role will become available. Leagues/Associations can decide if they wish to allow registrations for this role.
Applicable to: Association and Club Admins
Application: Admin Portal
SMS Authentication of Profile Merging During Registration
When registering, if an existing account is detected, participants will have the option to claim this profile via SMS authentication, in addition to the existing email claim process.
Applicable to: Participants
Application: Participant Portal

AFL, Basketball, Netball, Hockey

Live Game Clock on
Live game clock display on to enhance the viewing experience for users during live games. In addition the current period and period scores will be displayed. This will provide real-time updates on the progress of ongoing games, allowing viewers to easily track the current game time.
Applicable to: Participants & Followers
Application: Participant Portal and Apps
Live Event Log on
The live event log on for live scored games will display the chronological order of events (goals, points, fouls, etc.) in real time, providing a comprehensive overview of what is happening during the game. The event log will be accessible during and after the game.
Applicable to: Association and Club Admins, Participants
Application: Admin Portal


All Abilities Field
The ability to limit the editing of the ‘all abilities’ fields at an Organisation level to Admin Body admins and Super admins.
Applicable to:
Association and Club Admins
Application: Admin Portal


Mankad – Record wicket without a ball
Scorers will now be able to record a wicket that is taken between balls. The common scenario is when a bowler runs out the non-strike batter, commonly known as a "mankad".
Applicable to: Association and Club Admins, Team Managers
Application: Admin Portal, My Teams
Scorecard Wicket Validation
Warns user if the team wickets does not match the number of wickets recorded in the batting scorecard or if the batting scorecard wickets does not match the bowling statistics wickets.
Applicable to: Association and Club Admins, Team Managers, Coaches, and Captain
Application: Admin Portal, My Teams

*Subject to change