Live score Netball with in-game positions and more


    We’ve been listening, building and now launching.

    Through consultation with the Netball community, we've released multiple enhancements to Netball's electronic scoring application ( which will offer an enriched experience for community Netball fans, especially those who have downloaded the NetballHQ app. These enhancements and improvements to the e–scoring application aim to help alleviate the hours spent by Administrators who manually entering scores via the Admin Portal.

    During an electronic scoring session ( at the start of each game, scorers will be prompted with a new modal that includes selecting player positions and choosing the starting centre pass. From there, the positions can be updated at any time during the game, the centre pass will automatically swap after every goal and period. The centre pass can also be manually swapped at any time within e-score.

    Game setup modal

    If games are live scored, which can be done on any smartphone, tablet, or laptop device with internet, tracking of player positions from quarter to quarter will be displayed via game centres via the play-by-play tab.

    See Play-By-Play tab in the NetballHQ app

    Players will also be able to see what positions they've played post game via the Participant Portal (

    For clubs that want to enjoy the benefits of live scoring, we encourage adding an Electronic Scoring Admin via the Admin Portal, this will enable access to login to the electronic scoring application ( For more information on how to do that, read through this support page or download this printable info sheet.

    PlayHQ Admin Portal > Organisation > Admins > Invite New Admin

    In the instance that live scoring can't take place, Admins can add player positions to the result via the Admin Portal (Game Day section).

    These enhancements to Netball's electronic scoring application ( is part of a concerted effort to help relinquish the hours of manual score entry currently placed on Netball club admins.

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